Friday, April 19, 2013

Who / What Is This Page For / About?

Let's start with...

What this page is for... is to be a spot for me, Kevin Marsh, to lay down the story of who I am/was for my kids. Just a little something about who, I personally, want to be remembered as; what I've done and plan to do with my life. Including the details of what/where I come from.

This is, Atlantic City, NJ, where I spent most of my life.

The whys, of why... I have to do this for my children, are a bit more complicated. But we'll get to that eventually, while discussing my life. For they are all, parts of it. For now, I won't name my children, but I will tell you that I am a father of "Eight" and like, the title of that old 80's show.... Eight is Enough!

I had been putting this off, because I couldn't decide where to begin. I tried to remember the important talks I had with my folks and my elders. I thought about ABC's, 123's, the birds and the bees, knowing right from wrong, the importance of learning, and respect. I thought about other things as well, like if it was even possible to teach them about farming, cooking or carpentry over the internet. Since those are my skills, I kind of feel obligated to pass them on. It's only right, at least in my mind, since it was passed on to me by my elders. I contemplated discussing things, that not enough people share with kids. Drug use/abuse was the 1st topic and worst mistake I ever made. Relationship advice was an idea too, but I haven't had a societal example of a good one in my life, with the exception of my current. So that was a big deterrence.

But while contemplating what to share first, I realized I was stalling. Not just on this conversation , but also on my life. You see, some years ago, I lost my fight. Before that lost, that was the only thing; I believed, I was good at... Fighting. I just did not know how to fight fairly, earlier on in life. So I shied away from that idea. I feel now though, that's exactly where I need to start. At least, with the message I need to impart to my children. Now I have embraced, what I like to call, my Warrior Spirit. Although I do not consider myself a master of any thing, I proudly own my title of a fighter and hold my own definition to what it means, of being one. 

Over time I plan to explain/answer the following:
  • What does Fighting mean to me?
  • For what REASONS/PURPOSES should we fight?
  • When should you or shouldn't you fight?  
  • Why should we never stop fighting? 
  •  What does it mean, to fight fair?
  •  Who loses every fight and why?

Be describing these things I'm going to expose my own mishaps/mistakes made while "Fighting my Fights." I'll be doing so in hopes that I and others learn from those mistakes, especially and specifically my children. 

I'm doing it on a public platform, to keep myself honest, with you & myself. Proving to myself/others that even though, my life wasn't all good, it doesn't make me all bad nor does it have to end up that way either. Hopefully my own conscious self-inventory, can inspire others; to take their own inventories and make the world a better place.

I'll also be addressing world issues here, especially those that disturb me to my core, also those that lighten my heart and inspire my soul.

I'm sure I've left you with more questions than answers, perhaps you should ask yourself some of these same questions. Maybe the answers will lead you into knowing who you are, yourself. Everyone has a fighter in them, what kind and how much of a fighter you are is for you to find out yourself. This blog should be a learning experience for us all.

That's it for now, be sure to hit Ctrl+D to bookmark this page. 
You HAVE to come back, because I'll be here waiting until you do.

Lots of Love! 